Thursday, June 4, 2009

change takes time . . .

I've had some great conversations in the last few days with a number of people who have really impressed on me the functionality and the simple truths of the generational gaps. I wanted to write about some of the thoughts that were shared and some of the revelations that I have had from them.

The first major point that I learned was that our preceding generation is not necessarily savvy with the usage of all the mediums of technology or at least at the rate at which we progress with new technology. I was talking with a friend/colleague/mentor about the frustrations I had with the inefficiencies of some of the methods that we would use to execute our business and various other volunteerism groups. I felt that the major loss was in communication and hierarchy systems that caused bottlenecks and politics vs the end goal achievement. His reply to me was that as much as there needs to be amiability to accept change in technology and grow with its resources; the end truth is - change takes time and traditions are not as easily broken. If you really want to achieve an end goal then I would also need to realize that I'm actually hindering the end goal by not comprimising to the systems in place.

It was a very eye opening moment for me, to realize that I could with my good will and intentions be the reason that the end goal could be hindered even in the slightest. I still feel very confident about my idea of what a more efficient method could look like but by trying to force change without thinking of my audience I was in turn slowing the end goal down.

The next idea that I learned the last few days is that as generation Y'ers we tend to be much more public and out spoken. Call it righteous or opinionated but the very fact that I'm writing this blog so publicly and confidently about tactics and my point of view on such an abstract topic as business, management and generational differences is in itself proof of that. There have been so many times where I have given the feedback that I need to work on my composure and or tact when working with people. Granted that I can't say for sure if I'm loved and respected by my staff, supervisors and peers but I can say that I rarely hold back what is on my mind. It feels too natural to me to be honest with my thoughts and opinions to any audience. When I'm not sure I ask, when I don't agree I disagree, when I enjoy something I recognize it, and I will speak my mind the same way without reservation or fear to whomever I'm working with. This in idea is great but in applicability it is also troublesome and can detriment the organization's flow of operations immediately.

Not everyone is open to feedback, open thoughts, direct engagement without politics and its not necessarily the way the world works. Change takes time and in order to effectively achieve the group's end goal its very necessary for generation Y to learn to these systems and processes and utilize them as the change happens if the result is to achieve a goal.

My last reflection on this topic is that the value of achieving a goal has to be more important than doing something the most efficient way, especially when the frustration of the inefficiency only creates further inefficiency. It goes both ways- and as time progresses so will change.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I agree that sometimes people are not open for feedback. Even constructive criticism is hard to take in sometimes. I think it takes practice and an open mind to learn and accept feedback as a positive view then a negative view. It really depends on the situation I guess!

    Can't wait for the next post!
